Liberal People's Party (Sweden)

Liberal People's Party
Folkpartiet liberalerna
Leader Jan Björklund
Deputy leader Erik Ullenhag
Founded February 23, 1902 (1902-02-23)
Headquarters Stora Nygatan 2A, Stockholm
Youth wing Liberal Youth of Sweden
Membership  (2009) 17,875[1]
Ideology Pro-Europeanism
Social liberalism
Conservative liberalism (faction)
Political position Centre to centre-right
National affiliation The Alliance
International affiliation Liberal International
European affiliation European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party
European Parliament Group Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Official colours Blue, orange
24 / 349
European Parliament
3 / 20
117 / 1,662
914 / 12,978
3 / 290
Politics of Sweden
Political parties

The Liberal People's Party (Swedish: Folkpartiet liberalerna) is a political party in Sweden. The party advocates social liberalism and is part of the governing centre-right coalition The Alliance, which achieved a majority in the general election of 17 September 2006. The party is currently the fourth largest party in the Riksdag.

In Sweden itself the party is almost universally referred to as Folkpartiet, the people's party, with liberalerna, "the liberals, only being added in formal or legal contexts.




The official party ideology has historically been social liberalism, which translates as a strong ideological commitment to a mixed economy, with support for comprehensive but market-based welfare state programs. However in recent years the party has moved markedly towards conservative liberalism in its social attitudes.

While initially allied with the Swedish Social Democratic Party in the struggle for democracy (achieved in 1921) and social reform, the People's Party came to be part of the opposition from the thirties and onwards, opposing Social Democrat demands for nationalization of private businesses. It has stayed opposed to the Social Democrats ever since, often as the largest or second-largest party of the opposition block (called the non-socialists or "de borgerliga", approximately the bourgeois), but often equally critical towards parties on the right. Over time, this has shifted towards a more clear-cut rightwing role. In the mid-nineties, the party seemed to have ruled out the alternative of co-operation with the Social Democrats, focusing instead on bringing them down by strengthening the opposition.

Foreign aid and women's equality were very important issues for the party in the past, and today the party advocates liberal feminism and giving a full percent of the gross national income as foreign aid.

Foreign policy is another high-profile issue. Always oriented towards the United States and the United Kingdom, the party was a strong opponent of Communism and Nazism during the 20th century. While it was part of and supported the Swedish coalition government and its position of neutrality during World War II, the party advocated an active stance against the Soviet Union during the Cold war. The party (alongside Moderaterna) actively supported the struggle of Baltic peoples against the Soviet regime, whereas Social Democrats were wary of irritating the Soviets.[3] As a consequence, it suffered several sharply worded rebukes from the often-ruling Social Democrats for endangering Swedish relations to the Soviet Union. It also criticised what it perceived as Social Democrat tolerance of left wing dictatorships in the third world, and supported the United States in the Vietnam War. After the end of the Cold war it became the first Swedish party to call for abandoning the country's traditional neutrality, in favor of joining NATO.

In third world issues, the party supported decolonization and advocated boycotting South Africa to help overthrow Apartheid rule. It also opposed third world Communist dictatorships. Nowadays, it is strongly supportive of Israel, and former Party leader Per Ahlmark has been especially vocal on the issue.

On the European level, the Liberal People's Party was strongly supportive of the emergence of the European Union, and campaigned for Swedish entry into it (which happened in 1995). It also campaigned for joining the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union, but this was voted down by the Swedes in a referendum in 2003. The party has aimed to come across as the most "pro-European" party, trying to break what it refers to as the country's "isolationist" mindset. It is supportive of EU enlargement, including letting Turkey join on condition of democratic reforms, and also advocates further integrative measures, with some members, including the youth organization, openly calling for a single federal European state.

In 2003, the Liberal People's Party supported the invasion of Iraq, but stopped short of demanding Swedish participation in the US-led "coalition of the willing". In recent years, and especially under the leadership of Jan Björklund, the party has moved markedly towards conservative liberalism in its social attitudes, taking tougher stands on areas such as crime and punishment, law and order, school and discipline as well as strengthening its abolitionist policies on drugs. The Liberal People's Party's support for the controversial 2008 FRA-surveillance law in particular has upset its youth organisation.

Voter base

The party voter base is mainly centered on middle-class voters.

Historically the party had a strong base in the 'free churches' (Protestant congregations not part of the state church that turned into powerful grass-roots movements in the late 19th century), but with the exception of certain regions, that is not a significant feature today. Tensions between factions sometimes described as "the free religionists" and "the metropolitan liberals" (occasionally in the form of an open left-right conflict, with the "free religious" members emphasizing the social aspect over liberal economics) was an important part of party life up until the seventies. It provoked a party split in the twenties, centered on the question of an alcohol ban, but differences were eventually repaired (the re-merging of the parties in 1934 is one of the party's plethora of official creation dates, some others being 1895, 1900 and 1902, providing frequent cause for anniversary celebrations).

Since 2002 the party has been accused of trying to attract new voters by adopting populist right-wing rhetoric, although the party proposes to open Sweden's doors to economic migrants and to additional asylum seekers. Party leader Lars Leijonborg proposed a language test for immigrants who applied for Swedish citizenship. Recently, the party's education spokesman and first deputy chairman Jan Björklund has called on schoolteachers to report schoolchildren with extreme opinions to the intelligence services, something which has caused opposition from within the party, not least from the youth league. It has campaigns strongly against terrorism and criminality. While these tactics may have helped to more than double party support in the 2002 elections (to 13.3%), they have also provoked accusations of betraying liberal ideology from within leftist factions of the party, and led to criticism from the strong liberal press in Sweden. However, the party, which has historically been the most pro-immigration Swedish party, has also proposed measures intended to make it easier for foreigners to visit relatives living in Sweden, and to ease restrictions on economic migrants, for which it has been opposed by the governing Social Democrats. In its policy on integration, the party support more open immigration combined with measures to help new arrivals to integrate into Swedish society.

2006 computer hacking scandal

On 4 September 2006, only weeks before the 2006 general election, the Social Democratic Party reported to the police that its internal network had been hacked into. It has been reported that members of the Liberal People's Party had copied secret information not yet officially released to counter-attack Social Democrat political propositions on at least two occasions. On 5 September, the Party Secretary, Johan Jakobsson, voluntarily chose to resign. Leading members of the party and its youth organisation were under police investigation suspected for criminal activity. All members of the party were acquitted by the court however, while an official of the party's youth organisation, as well as one from the Social Democrats and a newspaper reporter, were found guilty.[4][5][6][7][8]

Affiliated organisations and international memberships

The Liberal People's Party has a youth organization called Liberal Youth of Sweden (Liberala ungdomsförbundet, LUF), which has its own platform and maintains a separate organisation from the party. Its chairperson is Adam Cwejman.

There is also a women's organization called Liberal Women (Liberala Kvinnor, LK, chairperson Birgitta Ohlsson) and immigrants' organization called Liberal Mångfald, LM, (Liberal Multicultural Association, chairperson Anna Steele Karlström). Additionally, party members maintain a number of small ad hoc "networks" addressing specific issues.

The Liberal People's Party is a member of the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party and Liberal International. It is also part of Liberal organisations on the Nordic and Baltic levels. The party's MEPs sit with the Alliance of Lberals and Democrats for Europe parliamentary group.

Election results

Election results by year, not including pre-1934 history:

Party leaders

Leader Took office Left office Duration
Gustaf Andersson 1935 28 September 1944 ca. &100000000000000090000009 years, &10000000000000303000000303 days
Bertil Ohlin 28 September 1944 1967 ca. &1000000000000002200000022 years, &1000000000000006300000063 days
Sven Wedén 1967 26 September 1969 ca. &100000000000000020000002 years, &10000000000000300000000300 days
Gunnar Helén 1969 7 November 1975 ca. &100000000000000060000006 years, &10000000000000342000000342 days
Per Ahlmark 7 November 1975 4 March 1978 &100000000000000020000002 years, &10000000000000117000000117 days
Ola Ullsten 4 March 1978 1 October 1983 &100000000000000050000005 years, &10000000000000211000000211 days
Bengt Westerberg 1 October 1983 4 February 1995 &1000000000000001100000011 years, &10000000000000126000000126 days
Maria Leissner 4 February 1995 15 March 1997 &100000000000000020000002 years, &1000000000000003900000039 days
Lars Leijonborg 15 March 1997 7 September 2007 &1000000000000001000000010 years, &10000000000000176000000176 days
Jan Björklund 7 September 2007 Incumbent &100000000000000040000004 years, &10000000000000163000000163 days (ongoing)

See also


  1. ^ Cederholm, Robert; Eliasson, Anders (15 March 2010). "Partierna tappar medlemmar". SVT. 
  2. ^ a b c "Allmänna val, valresultat". Statistics Sweden. 
  3. ^ Ett liv för Baltikum : journalistiska memoarer. - Stockholm : Timbro, 2002. - 351 s. : ill. - ISBN 91-7566-530-1
  4. ^ Liberal admits Social Democrat computer hack, The Local, September 4, 2006 (English)
  5. ^ Press officer behind Liberals' computer scandal, The Local, September 4, 2006 (English)
  6. ^ Police to question more Liberal activists, The Local, September 5, 2006 (English)
  7. ^ Liberal party secretary resigns, The Local, September 5, 2006 (English)
  8. ^ Three convicted for people's party's computer infringement, Sveriges Radio, April 27, 2007

External links